Mrhythmizer for adacity
Mrhythmizer for adacity

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  • mrhythmizer for adacity mrhythmizer for adacity

    Please report threads and comments that violate the following rules: Be respectful Though decision to make but it will be fun (also tested Baffre but it does partially what I want to do).This subreddit is for those wishing to discuss electronic dance music production. I will test later today Murder RhythmCutter RE $15, BeatChop RE $69 and Melda MRythmizer VST $60 which looks very promising, it uses 6 bands if you need it and has a nice GUI, besides Melda has proven to make fine plugins.

    mrhythmizer for adacity

    It is in fact IMHO way better than GrossBeat for what I want to do (chopping voice phrases that you can visually edit with nice bezier curves) You can also apply up to three different patterns based on a range of frequencies, if you want you can use one curve for all freqs or any combination of, one curve for low end, another for mid-range and another one for hi-end, all this visually in a preview window that you can solo and see in realtime how it affects the sound. The result is that I've been enjoying and playing with ShaperTools for hours, even finding new musical ideas! I've got almost the exact kind of sound I wanted in the first place and more! That is having a background of unintelligible words that you can almost recognize where it came from, but not exactly. At least is what I pretend to do, of course it can go terribly wrong At the same time adding some Indian percussion and sounds (tabla, sitar, dholak) bought "Sound of India" a few years ago which is plenty of those sounds. My goal is to modify the voice of a local old song (it has no drums or bass, just a drone-guitar and a voice singing in a kind of trance-meditation mood), rythmically triggering some audio parts to make the voice part of the new arrange and thus hoppefully bringing that song into this century. Installed Cableguys Shapertools ($99), that's Timeshaper ($44) with more tools for Volumen, Filter, Pan and Width) and started browsing through an endless list of presets that you can edit, save, and assing to MIDI notes once you buy it.

    Mrhythmizer for adacity